seca CT330 Resting ECG with USB interface


seca CT330 Resting ECG with USB interface

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Fully integrated with EMIS Web & SystmOne


•Plug in the USB connector and start a high quality 12 lead ECG acquisition
•Brilliant recording quality of all twelve leads with a sampling rate of up to 32 kHz
•Status LED for each lead guarantees safe ECG acquisition
•True wave filter technology for perfect ECG signal quality in every situation
•Clear surface for quick and easy disinfection
•Exact measurement of pacemaker amplitude and width
•Fully integrated with EMIS Web & SystmOne

Easily integrate the seca CT330 into your daily routine. Just plug in the USB connector into your desktop computer, laptop or tablet and get a fully functional interpretive ECG. This allows you to record all twelve leads with a sampling rate of up to 32 kHz for viewing, analysis, reporting and printing on every PC in the network. Send the data to your EMR if you like and work paperless from now on. Profit from minimising time-consuming data entry, with SystmOne and EMIS integration.

Access to EMIS Web requires an annual licence fee with EMIS web please contact SECA for details


•Digital pacemaker detection
•Print function
•Single beat analysis
•Cumulative complexes
•Paperless ECG option
•QTC interval – Ideal for Mental Health
•Robust defibrillator proof unit
•Transfer function
•Save function
•USB connectivity

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